Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Want to give us your printing data and have questions about file formats, printing procedures and other things? Below we have summarized the most frequently asked questions about our printing services.

1. How do I submit my printing data to MARLIN?

You can send us your data by e-mail at or on a CD, DVD or USB stick.


2. What data format should my data be in?

PDF format is ideal for printing. For photo prints we recommend the formats JPG, PSD, TIFF or EPS.


3. What resolution do I need for poster prints?

With posters or other large items we recommend a resolution of at least 300 or 600 dpi. In individual cases, a resolution of 200 dpi may suffice.


4. What is a setup fee?

A setup is the cost associated with the creation of a die, plate, screen, or other fixture that is used in our machines to print your logo on your desired item. Since each item has a unique imprint area, and imprint methods vary from item to item, it’s necessary to create fixtures for imprints every time you order an item for the first time. Each new fixture requires another setup fee. A setup fee is not an artwork fee. Designing your artwork is a completely different cost.


Do you have any other questions about what you want to print?

Just call us at



Or send us and email at: